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Our courses are up to date with the latest legislation. Learn more in our FAQ (Dutch)

*Compared to regular classroom training

Don’t slow down business for AML-training.

Yearly AML & CFT training for all employees is a requirement for regulated businesses. Our training enables companies of all sizes to easily comply with the most recent requirements.

By checking what you already know, Effective AML & CFT allows you (and your employees) to only have to spend time learning what you need. Independent professionals can start now, for larger organizations we’ll integrate your internal procedures into our framework.

As an AML regulated business, you are required to provide regular training for your employees regarding AML & CFT regulations and procedures. Our approach focuses on checking you are still training compliant, instead of spending unnecessary hours. This allows independent professionals as well as larger organizations to save significant costs by allowing them to keep doing business.

For independent professional

If you’re individually responsible for AML, Effective AML & CFT is the best way to quickly achieve training-compliance. Our online course is fully up to date to the latest requirements and allows you to quickly confirm what you already know and learn what you might not (fully) grasp. You can pause the course at any time to tend to clients and can also be accessed on mobile devices to allow you to comply to the latest training-requirements on the go.

As soon as you prove your proficiency you will receive a digital certificate, proving you comply to the mandatory training-requirement during FIU-audits. Start now

For organizations

For larger organizations Artemis provides a private and bespoke online knowledge environment on your own domain: Branded in your companies’ colors, logo, and unlimited users.

While keeping all requirements of the general Effective AML & CFT course, the contents is upgraded with internal compliance procedures of your organization. Now employees are not only tested on general requirements, but also on the steps they need to take in their position according to your Compliance Policy. Providing additional assurance about proficiency and compliance, as well as actually reduce liabilities.

By checking that everybody understands what they need to, employees only have to spend time on actually learning. With the flexibility of the course, that can be done from everywhere in the world, anytime of the year and on every moment during the day. Keeping everybody not only controllably better compliant, but also fully available for (billable) work. With the requirement to repeat this training every year, these saving add up considerably.

In addition to testing and certificates, Effective AML & CTF for organizations also includes progress- and results tracking for team-leaders and management. Allowing managers to see who may need additional attention and on what topics. Giving additional tools to monitor and address knowledge and liabilities.