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Artemis for the win

Read more about the possibilities in the field of compliance, improved business results, introductions and onboarding.

Be compliant more effectively

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The problem

CBCS requires that all existing and new employees of companies they regulate are aware of AML and CTF procedures. Putting everyone in a classroom is expensive; employees are unavailable for (billable) work and seniors become frustrated and demotivated because they have to spend their valuable time in a class for knowledge they already have. Just like last year.

The question

“How can I demonstrate to CBCS that everyone is aware of the compliance requirements, without paying through billable hours or employee availability?”

Artemis solution

All Artemis eLearning courses are results-oriented rather than process-oriented. They are constructed in such a way that everyone can go through them at their own speed. Seniors with up-to-date knowledge can immediately start the final test if they wish. If you’re not quite sure you’ve remembered everything, you can read through the lesson summary and take one of the quick quizzes available at the end of each lesson to check whether you’ve understood the key points. Those entirely new to compliance can leisurely complete the course from start to finish, with explanation diagrams and videos to help you understand the material in different ways.

Moreover, everyone can take the course at a time that suits them best. You can stop for an important phone call that comes along and pick up where you paused.

Ultimately, everyone must pass the final test and proof for yourself, your employer and CBCS that you have mastered the material. Everyone receives a (digital) certificate to provide the proof that you’ve mastered the contents of the course.

Artemis offers, among other things, effective AML & CTF courses. Our eLearning portal will open soon, contact us for more information.

Improve business results

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The problem

When a company grows and develops, knowledge can become diluted due to the hustle and bustle of daily operation and the increase in the number of employees. Experienced employees do it as they have always done it, new employees do it as they have learned. Both sometimes do not correspond well with what daily practice or new market developments requires.

The question

“How do I get everyone to the level that matches what the organization needs now?”

Artemis solution

You are not the only one struggling with this challenge. As the market develops, daily practice dilutes the underlying knowledge. Artemis offers various courses that, based on the latest insights, legislation and regulations, provide a solid foundation for your employees.

For example, ready-made courses are available for all employees who work with contracts and corporate decision-making. By allowing everyone to refresh their knowledge, the chance of errors is reduced, and operational effectiveness is increased. If desired, these courses can be expanded with a tailor-made workshop, in which challenges in daily practice can be discussed in depth. Or together we can create fully customized courses to improve specialized knowledge.

Artemis offers in-depth and results-oriented eLearning courses and workshops. Our portal will open soon, please contact us for more information or if you would like to have a course developed for your employees yourself.

Introduction of new procedures

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The problem

You have developed a solution to a problem, but it only works if everyone does their part correctly.

The question

“How do I get everyone informed of his or her contribution to the new process and thoroughly aware of the importance of this process for the organization?”

Artemis solution

Artemis can develop an eLearning course for the operational side of the new approach; who does what, and when. By offering this in an appealing way in lessons with resonating examples, images and videos, it becomes clear to employees how their work will change and what is expected of them.

After this course one thing is certain; everyone still has questions. But the questions are no longer about the what, when and where, but about why. Why should I change my working method? To achieve this, people have to get out from behind their computers and talk to each other. Under the guidance of an experienced workshop leader, make the connection between your own work and that of your colleagues. Discover possible bottlenecks, come up with solutions and become motivated to make this change a success together.

Artemis develops tailor-made eLearning and workshops to kick-start new procedures and products. Please contact us for more information.

Let new employees shine

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The problem

We spend a lot of time and resources finding good people. But employee turnover is high, and we actually don’t have the time to train everyone properly. Moreover, the people with experience are actually too valuable to always stop their work while training new colleagues. And when new hires finally work independently, they quickly drop out.

The question

“How do I ensure that new employees get off to the best possible start and reduce employee turnover, without taking up so much of the valuable time of my most experienced people?”

Artemis solution

The value of experienced employees can never be captured in an eLearning course. But there are many areas in which an online module can help new employees to train effectively. Explanation of the corporate culture through a video, insight into the industry, the main competitors, the latest developments in the market provide a basis for new employees so that they can collaborate more quickly with their colleagues and at a high level.

Learning how to follow the correct procedures, the operation of internal systems, setting up tools, signing user agreements are ideally suited to be addressed in a well-designed onboarding module. This not only gives you, as an employer, full insight into and control over what a new employee learns, but it is also possible to test this substantively. Both the new employee and colleagues can therefore be assured of their capabilities and start making their personal contribution with the right knowledge. For example, by asking those questions that only an experienced employee can answer. And now has the time to do so.

A well-executed onboarding procedure demonstrably increases operating results and reduces unwanted staff turnover. Please contact us for more information.